Privacy Policy

Toyo Tire Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) acknowledges the importance of protecting our customers’ privacy. What follows is the Company’s policy concerning the acquisition, use, and protection of customers’ personal information (hereinafter referred to as the “Privacy Policy”) on the website ( operated by the Company (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”).

Please click here to read our Privacy Policy for EU residents.

  1. The Company will establish a management system by clarifying who is responsible for the protection of personal information and by establishing internal rules.
  2. The Company will acquire and handle personal information appropriately and properly within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use, which has been notified to the individual or publicly announced in advance.
  3. The Company will take appropriate security control measures to prevent the loss, destruction, falsification, leakage, etc. of personal information.
  4. When the Company provides personal information to third parties, the Company will take necessary measures in accordance with laws and regulations.
  5. The Company will respond as promptly as possible to requests and inquiries for disclosure, correction, suspension of use, etc., of personal information.
  6. The Company will conduct internal training and education activities to ensure that its employees are aware of the proper handling of personal information, and the Company will continuously review our management system.

Acquiring of Personal Information

The Company will acquire personal information in the following cases in a lawful and fair manner to the extent necessary to achieve the purposes of use specified in “Purposes of Use” Section below.

  1. When the Company receives personal information directly from customers or through written documents or other media
  2. When a customer enters personal information through the operation of a terminal such as a personal computer or smart phone
  3. When information is provided with a customer's consent when a customer visits a website related to the Company's products or services
  4. When the information is provided by a third party to whom a customer has given consent.

Management of Personal Information Outsourcing

In order to offer quality services to customers, the Company may outsource the conducting of questionnaires, e-mail distribution services, sample distribution, prize competitions, and online store, to a third party, that has been chosen following due consideration of the Company and its affiliated companies (hereinafter referred to as the “Third Party”). The Company and Third Party will take reasonable and technical actions when handling any information about customers and with which they may be identified, including but not limited to name, address, phone number, and e-mail address (hereinafter referred to as “Personal Information”), so as to prevent any risks such as illegal access to, loss of, alteration, and/or leakage of the same.

Purpose(s) of Use

The Company will use Personal Information for the following purposes.

  1. Responding to customer’s inquiries, consultations, and suggestions, and to distribute questionnaires asking whether our subsequent responses meet customer’s expectations
  2. Analysis to provide better products and services to our customers
  3. Sending printed materials such as catalogs, prizes, giveaways, and other correspondence, and distributing press releases, e-mail magazines, and other information that may be of interest to customers (hereinafter referred to as "Information Distribution"), based on prior consent from a customer
  4. Providing information, operational management, and enhancement of services related to the Company's business
  5. Exercising rights and fulfillment of obligations under laws and regulations
  6. Use for other purposes to which a customer have agreed in advance.

Proper Use of Personal Information

The Company will not use Personal Information in a manner that may encourage or induce illegal or unjust acts.

Providing to Third Parties

The Company will not, without prior consent of customers, provide any or all Personal Information that customers have provided to any third party. However, the Company may provide Personal Information without customers’ consent, when it is required to do so by law, requested to do so by courts, police, or other public institutions or permitted to do so by law.

Joint Use of Personal Information

The Company will use Personal Information jointly as follows (“Joint Use”).

1. Scope of joint users
Toyo Tire Corporation, its affiliated companies, and other Toyo Tire products distributors and dealers.

2. Purpose of Joint Use
The purpose of Joint Use shall be within the scope of the "Purposes of Use" set forth above, and shall be the common purpose of use for the jointly using companies.

3. Items of personal information to be jointly used
Name, gender, age, address, telephone number, fax number, company name, e-mail address, and survey responses.

4. Company responsible for Joint Use
Toyo Tire Corporation

Handling of Cookies, etc.

In order to improve the services provided, this Website automatically collects information such as Internet domain names, IP addresses, Cookie and other information on the viewing of this Website.

A cookie is a small text file that the website sends to your device and it can store information on or retrieve information from your web browser. It identifies your device, typically your web browser, but it cannot directly identify you as an individual.

Cookies enable us to provide you with enhanced functionality, to gather analytical data to improve website performance, and enable us or our AdTech partners to deliver personalized advertisements according to your interests by tracking you across the internet.

You can choose whether to allow this Website or third-parties (e.g. AdTech partners, etc.) to set cookies which are not strictly necessary for the functioning of the website via the cookie banner or cookie settings button provided on this Website.

In addition, this Website has introduced Google Analytics, an access analysis tool provided by Google, Inc. Google Analytics uses the cookie function to obtain information on user behavior and also measures user attribute data such as age, gender, and interests obtained from Google's advertising network, etc. For more information, please see "Google's Use of Information Collected from Sites and Apps that Use Google's Services" (external site).

Disabling Google Analytics can be done by applying the "Google Analytics Opt-out Add-on" (external site) provided by Google.

In addition to the above, users can also deactivate the cookie function by setting their browsers, etc. However, please note that in such cases, some of the services on this Website may not be available.

The website in our inquiry system domain ( issues cookies to enable the website to function properly, but does not obtain browsing history by means of cookies.
* Cookies to opt out of tracking cookies for obtaining browsing history are issued to control the tracking.


If you do not wish to receive any Information Distribution, you may request that the Company terminate these services by giving notice to that effect to the contact notified to you when the information is distributed.

Disclosure, etc. of Personal Information

Should you wish to have your Personal Information, for which the Company holds the right to disclose, correct, add, delete, or suspend usage and third party provision of (hereinafter referred to as “Disclosure, etc.”), and which the Company has held possession of (hereinafter referred to as “Possessed Personal Data”), or to have the records of third party provision of your Personal Information, the Company will make efforts to respond to such requests in a reasonable manner. If you so wish, please notify the same to the Company’s contact notified to you when the information is distributed. Please note that Personal Information falling under the following is not subject to Disclosure, etc.

  1. Personal Information whose Disclosure, etc. is prohibited by law
    -Information whose Disclosure, etc. risks an infringement of the rights and interests of the person themselves or a third party

    -Information whose Disclosure, etc. risks a major interference with the proper functioning of the Company’s business

    -Information whose Disclosure, etc. violates other laws

  2. Other Personal Information stipulated by laws, etc.


The Company will comply with Japanese laws and other standards related to the protection of your Personal Information, and work to improve this policy by reviewing it constantly. This policy may be revised without notice. All revisions will be notified on this page. Minors must have the consent of their parents or guardians before providing Personal Information with the Company.