Climate Change |
Qualitative |
Climate Change impact including CO₂ / GHG emissions Policy |
Energy use Policy |
Recognition of climate change |
Impact of climate-related risks and opportunities |
Demonstrating support for mitigating climate change through Membership of business associations |
Initiatives in place include measures to address climate change through adaptation Company mentions addressing adaptation |
Climate-related risk management procedures |
Board oversight of climate change |
Climate scenario planning *Under review |
Quantitative |
Financial quantification of: Costs associated with climate change, Investment in R&D on climate change |
Short term (up to 5 years) quantitative targets to reduce GHG emissions |
Long term (more than 5 years) quantitative targets to reduce GHG emissions *Under review |
Disclosure of results measured against previously set and disclosed targets to reduce operational GHG emissions |
Three years of total energy consumption data is disclosed |
Basic GHG emissions |
Three years of total operational GHG emissions data (Scope 1, 2, 3) |
Water Security |
Qualitative |
Policy on water use reduction |
Water management plan |
Detailed disclosure of action(s) taken to reduce water withdrawal/consumption |
Support measures to reduce water usage through Membership of business associations |
Works with all stakeholders to reduce water withdrawal/consumption |
Assessment of water stressed regions |
Water withdrawals/consumption in water stressed regions. |
Quantitative |
Financial quantification of: Costs associated with water-related risks, Investment in R&D to mitigate water-related risks |
Time-specific target(s) to reduce water consumption/withdrawal at the company level |
Disclosure of results measured against previously set and disclosed quantified targets |
Three years of total water withdrawal data is disclosed by destination (t) |
Three years of facilities’ water withdrawal data (t) |
Three years of total water discharge data is disclosed by source (t) |
Three years of facilities’ water discharge data (t) |
Pollution & Resources |
Qualitative |
Pollution policy |
Waste policy |
Resource use policy |
Use of LifeCycle Analysis in product or system design |
Total costs of environmental fines and penalties during financial year |
Quantitative |
Number of sites covered by recognized environmental management systems |
Financial quantification of pollution, waste or resource use specifying: Costs associated with their impacts, Investment in R&D on reducing or avoiding their impacts |
Time-specific targets, beyond regulatory requirements, to reduce or avoid waste |
Time-specific targets, beyond regulatory requirements, to reduce or avoid pollution (VOC) |
Progress against previously set targets to reduce or avoid waste (t) |
Disclosure of three years of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) emissions (t) |
Progress against previously set targets to reduce or avoid resource use (t) |
Disclosure of three years of Nitrous Oxides (NOx) emissions and Sulphur Oxide (SOx) emissions (t) |
Disclosure of three years of hazardous waste generation (t) |
Disclosure of three years of non-recycled waste generation (t) |
Disclosure of three years of waste recycled (t) |
Supply Chain |
Qualitative |
Supplier/sourcing policy *TOYO TIRE Group CSR Procurement Guidelines |
Risk Assessment carried out regarding environmental issues, Monitoring |
Environmental policy integrated with suppliers through Communication |
Action taken to manage the environmental impact of suppliers through encouraging |
Company involvement in initiatives, or commitment to frameworks, on environmental impacts in supply chain |