ESG Data/Survey Index

Environmental aspects

Climate Change Qualitative Climate Change impact including CO₂ / GHG emissions Policy
Energy use Policy
Recognition of climate change
Impact of climate-related risks and opportunities
Demonstrating support for mitigating climate change through Membership of business associations
Initiatives in place include measures to address climate change through adaptation Company mentions addressing adaptation
Climate-related risk management procedures
Board oversight of climate change
Climate scenario planning *Under review
Quantitative Financial quantification of: Costs associated with climate change, Investment in R&D on climate change
Short term (up to 5 years) quantitative targets to reduce GHG emissions
Long term (more than 5 years) quantitative targets to reduce GHG emissions *Under review
Disclosure of results measured against previously set and disclosed targets to reduce operational GHG emissions
Three years of total energy consumption data is disclosed
Basic GHG emissions
Three years of total operational GHG emissions data (Scope 1, 2, 3)
Water Security Qualitative Policy on water use reduction
Water management plan
Detailed disclosure of action(s) taken to reduce water withdrawal/consumption
Support measures to reduce water usage through Membership of business associations
Works with all stakeholders to reduce water withdrawal/consumption
Assessment of water stressed regions
Water withdrawals/consumption in water stressed regions.
Quantitative Financial quantification of: Costs associated with water-related risks, Investment in R&D to mitigate water-related risks
Time-specific target(s) to reduce water consumption/withdrawal at the company level
Disclosure of results measured against previously set and disclosed quantified targets
Three years of total water withdrawal data is disclosed by destination (t)
Three years of facilities’ water withdrawal data (t)
Three years of total water discharge data is disclosed by source (t)
Three years of facilities’ water discharge data (t)
Pollution & Resources Qualitative Pollution policy
Waste policy
Resource use policy
Use of LifeCycle Analysis in product or system design
Total costs of environmental fines and penalties during financial year
Quantitative Number of sites covered by recognized environmental management systems
Financial quantification of pollution, waste or resource use specifying: Costs associated with their impacts, Investment in R&D on reducing or avoiding their impacts
Time-specific targets, beyond regulatory requirements, to reduce or avoid waste
Time-specific targets, beyond regulatory requirements, to reduce or avoid pollution (VOC)
Progress against previously set targets to reduce or avoid waste (t)
Disclosure of three years of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) emissions (t)
Progress against previously set targets to reduce or avoid resource use (t)
Disclosure of three years of Nitrous Oxides (NOx) emissions and Sulphur Oxide (SOx) emissions (t)
Disclosure of three years of hazardous waste generation (t)
Disclosure of three years of non-recycled waste generation (t)
Disclosure of three years of waste recycled (t)
Supply Chain Qualitative Supplier/sourcing policy *TOYO TIRE Group CSR Procurement Guidelines
Risk Assessment carried out regarding environmental issues, Monitoring
Environmental policy integrated with suppliers through Communication
Action taken to manage the environmental impact of suppliers through encouraging
Company involvement in initiatives, or commitment to frameworks, on environmental impacts in supply chain

Social aspects

Health & Safety Qualitative Health and safety policy
Policy on reducing safety impact
Policy on reducing health impact
Board oversight of health and safety
Risk Assessment carried out regarding safety
Risk Assessment carried out regarding health
Employee involvement in health and safety improvements, through Participative initiatives such as employee health and safety committees
Performance monitoring and management of health and safety, demonstrated
Quantitative Number of sites with OHSAS 18001 certification
Number of staff trained on safety standards within the last year
Number of staff trained on health within the last year
Lost-time incident rate, over last 3 years
Human Rights & Community Qualitative Statement of support for one of UN International Bill of Rights, UDHR, UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights or UN International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Statement of principles or process by which community investments are made
Output/outcome of specific results, achievements or benefits of community investments
Human rights impact or risk assessment
Grievance mechanisms in place for individuals and communities impacted by business activities
Participation in a recognized human rights related initiative or collaboration
Mechanisms to facilitate employee engagement and involvement with charitable partners
Quantitative Total amount of corporate or group donations/community investments made to registered not-for-profit organisations in Japanese
Labor Standards Qualitative In relation to the prevention of child labor, company Publishes a Policy *Global Human Rights & Labor Policy
In relation to the prevention of forced labor, company Publishes a Policy *Global Human Rights & Labor Policy
In relation to non-discrimination, company Publishes a Policy *Global Human Rights & Labor Policy
Policy supporting the right to freedom of association *Global Human Rights & Labor Policy
Policy supporting the right to collective bargaining *Global Human Rights & Labor Policy
Policy addressing the elimination of excessive working hours *Global Human Rights & Labor Policy
Policy supporting the right to a minimum or living wage *Global Human Rights & Labor Policy
Company policy on labor standards is Communicated globally to employees
Company involvement in initiatives, or commitment to frameworks, on labor standards
Employee personal development training to enhance abilities to individual skills
Quantitative Percentage of global staff with a disability.
Percentage of women in the global workforce.
Percentage of employees that are contractors or temporary staff
Amount of time spent on employee development training to enhance knowledge or individual skills
Supply Chain Qualitative Supplier/sourcing policy *TOYO TIRE Group CSR Procurement Guidelines
Risk Assessment regarding social issues has been carried out, Monitoring
Social policy integrated with suppliers through Communication
Communication with suppliers for supporting sustainable supply chain
Action taken to manage the social impact of suppliers through encouraging
Company involvement in initiatives, or commitment to frameworks, on social impacts in supply chain

Governance aspects

Anti-Corruption Qualitative Policy for Anti-bribery and Anti-corruption *Global Anti-corruption and Anti-bribery policy
Board has oversight of anti-corruption policy
Due diligence of new business partners addresses corruption
Confidential or anonymous whistle-blowing mechanism for staff covers
Communication and Training for staff of anti-corruption policy to all employees covers
Corruption risk assessment for company operations covers
Procedures are in place to address corruption in operations that are assessed to be 'high risk' covering
Corporate Governance Qualitative Separate Non-Executive Chairman and CEO
Board addresses Conflicts of interest, Related party transactions
Board addresses Related party transactions
Periodic evaluation of board effectiveness
Policy of Remuneration for senior executives *Securities report in Japanese
Disclosure of Board Committee(s)
There is a fully non-executive Audit Committee or Audit Board *NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
Evidence of shareholders voting in the AGM (executive remuneration,Director appointments and dismissals) *Notice of Resolution related to shareholder meetings in Japanese
Quantitative Number of Board Directors
Number of independent Directors on the board
Number of women on the board *Securities report in Japanese
Disclosure of number of times the board/each committee have/has met per annum
Disclosure of the attendance rate for some individual board/committee members, or average attendance rates *NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
In relation to executive remuneration, the company discloses, Disclosure of fixed and variable remuneration
*Securities report in Japanese
Disclosure and Nature of fees paid to the auditor *Securities report in Japanese
Number of days between the date of notice and date of meeting *Corporate Governance report in Japanese
Risk Management Qualitative The Board has oversight of risk management (Senior responsibility for risk)
Reporting and Standards (Company reports using standards such as GRI)
Board specifically oversees ESG risks
Describe the company's risk management framework
The company has a corporate-wide approach to non-compliance
The company reviews compliance with its Code of Conduct/Code of Ethics and identifies any non-compliance
There is a confidential or anonymous whistle-blowing or equivalent mechanism to notify breaches of company codes or policies
Tax Transparency Qualitative A policy to Tax transparency or tax responsibility *Global Anti-corruption and Anti-bribery policy 
Board has oversight of Tax policy
External verification of tax data for global operations *Securities report (Audit Report) in Japanese
Quantitative Disclosure of corporation tax paid globally *Securities report in Japanese