
Press Release

Jan. 16, 2009


OSAKA, JAPAN-January 16, 2009- TOYO TIRE & RUBBER Co., LTD. (President & CEO : Kenji Nakakura) hereby announces that it held an exhibition at the TOKYO AUTO SALON 2009 with NAPAC, which was held from Friday, January 9 to Sunday, January 11, 2009 at Makuhari Messe in Chiba.

On the first day a presentation of the new item that was released on the same day, Premium Comfort Tire, "PROXES C1S", was made at the TOYO TIRES booth and attracted visitors including customers and press.

According to a TOYO TIRES survey, TOYO TIRES were equipped on 1 out of every 6 cars exhibited at the TOKYO AUTO SALON 2009 with NAPAC. Including NITTO, 1 out of 5 cars exhibited was equipped with both tire brands. TOYO TIRES brands were equipped at quite a high rate.

Also, at IMPORT AUTO SALON 2009, TOYO TIRES were equipped on about 1 out of 3 cars, and achieved the NO.1 use rate.

TOYO TIRES and NITTO possessed the highest total equipped rate, and we were once again able demonstrate the popularity of TOYO TIRES.

Toyo Tire & Rubber appreciates receiving top reviews in the fields of tunings and dress-ups. We would also like to express appreciation to our customers' patronage. Toyo Tire & Rubber intends to pursue its technology, sensitivity and novelty while raising awareness of the TOYO TIRES brand.



Toyo Tire Corporation
Corporate Communications Dept.
Hyogo Head office Telephone: +81-72-789-9100 Facsimile: +81-72-773-3272