ESG Data

Environmental data

Third-party verification

To ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data that we disclose, we have obtained the assurance of a third-party organization for our fiscal 2023 environmental data.

  • Verification scope: 114 sites* belonging to Toyo Tire Corporation and related companies, for total scope 1 energy-derived CO₂ emissions, scope 2 emissions, total water withdrawal, breakdown of water withdrawal, total water discharge, and breakdown of water discharge
  • Verification period: January 2023 to December 2023
  • Verification criteria: ISO14064-3: 2019, related laws and regulations, and the assurance organization’s protocol
  • Third-party assurance organization: SGS Japan Inc.

*Toyo Tire Corporation (Headquarters, Tokyo Office, Hiroshima Office, Sendai Plant, Kuwana Plant (tire and automotive parts), Hyogo Manufacturing Complex, Corporate Technology Center, Tire Technical Center, Automotive Parts Technical Center, Miyazaki Tire Proving Ground, Saroma Tire Proving Ground, Kanto Distribution Center, Kansai Distribution Center); Fukushima Rubber Co., Ltd.; Toyo Soflan Co., Ltd.; Ayabe Toyo Rubber Co., Ltd.; Orient Machinery Co., Ltd. (Headquarters, Sendai branch, Rokko branch); Toyo Tire Japan Co., Ltd.; Toyo Automotive Parts (USA), Inc.; Toyo Tire North America Manufacturing Inc.; Toyo Automotive Parts (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd.; Toyo Tire (Zhangjiagang) Co., Ltd.; Toyo Tire (Zhucheng) Co., Ltd.; Toyo Tyre Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.; Toyo Rubber Chemical Products (Thailand) Limited; Toyo Tire Serbia D.O.O.

Please click here to read more about verification statement.

Environmental management

Operational status of environmental management system


Item Scope of data as of
December 31,
as of
December 31,
as of
December 31,
as of
December 31,
as of
January 31,
Number of manufacturing sites globally 13 13 13 11 11
ISO 14001 certification at manufacturing sites 12 12 11 10 10
Certification rate 92.3% 92.3% 84.6% 90.9% 90.9%

Environmental Capital

(Million yen)

Item Scope of data 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Costs of climate change adaptation and mitigation in main business area Our Group 3,486 2,963 2,914 4,637 3,252
Expenses for preventing pollution of air and water systems 159 98 161 95 125
Expenses for recycling resources 513 411 489 502 518
Expenses for managing environmental activities (Provisions) 96 74 86 86 84

*Adheres to the Environmental Accounting Guidelines 2005 (Japan’s Ministry of the Environment). Includes depreciation of depreciable assets.

Environmental accounting

Climate Change

Energy consumption

(Thousand GJ)

Item Scope of data 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total energy consumption Japan: 17 sites
America: 2 sites
Asia (excluding Japan): 5 sites
Europe: 1 site

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7,346.3 6,777.4 6,992.9 7,370.8 7,686.9
By Region Japan Japan: 17 sites 3,991.7 3,594.3 3,842.6 4,199.7 4,219.5
America America: 2 sites 1,810.0 1,704.2 1,753.3 1,825.9 1,817.3
Asia (excluding Japan) Asia (excluding Japan): 5 sites 1,544.4 1,478.9 1,397.0 1,345.2 1,339.7
Europe Europe: 1 site 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 310.5
Type of source Fuel consumption from non-renewable energy sources (gas, oil) Japan: 17 sites
America: 2 sites
Asia (excluding Japan): 5 sites
Europe: 1 site

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5,065.5 4,662.4 4,735.7 5,130.8 5,302.7
Consumption of purchased electricity 1,963.3 1,818.8 1,944.2 1,923.5 2,027.6
Percentage of purchased electricity with a renewable energy certificate 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 5.9% 71.1%
Consumption of purchased electricity from renewable sources, and consumption equivalent to procurement of non-fossil certificates 0.0 0.0 0.0 114.2 1,442.5
Fuel consumption from renewable energy sources (solar, waste tires) 2.9 0.4 0.8 0.7 41.1
Purchased steam 314.2 295.8 312.2 315.8 315.4

*Period From January to December of that year
*Calculation method
Calculated from actual fuel use values. Converted using the standard calorific value for FY2013 (Agency for Natural Resources and Energy of Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry; last revised in 2020)

(Reference) Total tire production volume (new rubber)

(Thousand tons)

Item Scope of data 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total tire production volume (new rubber) Our Group 245.6 212.3 245.7 247.8 249.6
By Region Japan 130.6 108.8 127.7 128.8 127.5
America 70.1 62.2 71.9 73.4 70.8
Asia (excluding Japan) 44.9 41.4 46.0 45.0 44.5
Europe 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.6 6.8

Energy consumption (during logistics)

(Thousand GJ)

Item Scope of data 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Energy consumption for raw material & product transportation in Japan (thousand GJ) Fuel for domestic logistics in Japan (trucks, ship, rail) 127.8 109.6 118.9 107.2 95.1

*Main efforts to reduce energy consumption: introduce containers and undertake modal shifts (train, and marine transport), and utilize consolidated shipments
*Period From April of that year to March of the next year
*Calculation method
In accordance with the Shippers’ Energy Conservation Handbook (Seventh Edition) (Agency for Natural Resources and Energy of Japan’s Ministry of Economy; Trade and Industry, the Energy Conservation Center, Japan).

Energy intensity

(GJ/Million yen)

Item Scope of data 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Energy intensity within the organization Japan: 17 sites
America: 2 sites
Asia (excluding Japan): 5 sites
Europe: 1 site

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19.5 19.7 17.8 14.8 13.9

Note: Energy intensity is the total amount of energy used within the organization divided by total sales.
*Period From January to December of that year
*Calculation method
Calculated from actual fuel use values. Energy consumption conversion is the same as used in “Energy consumption within the organization.” Net sales are consolidated figures.

Reducing the energy requirements of products (fuel-efficient tires)
Item Scope of data 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Reducing the energy loss (GJ/㎞)
*Estimated values
Our Group 169.2 253.7 338.1 368.0 469.5
Reference: Production ratio of Fuel Efficient Tires PCR (passenger car radial tires) 20.7% 19.5% 23.1% 27.8% 35.8%
TBR (truck and bus radial tires) 21.0% 22.4% 35.0% 17.6% 15.5%

*Period From January to December of that year
*Calculation method
In accordance with the Tyre LCCO₂ Calculation Guidelines Ver. 3.0.1 (Japan Automobile Tyre Manufacturers Association, Inc.). Calculated individually for light track middle size tires as “passenger car radial tires,” and light track large size tires as “truck and bus radial tires.”

GHG emissions

(Thousand t-CO₂e)

Item Scope of data 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions Japan: 17 sites
America: 2 sites
Asia (excluding Japan): 5 sites
Europe: 1 site

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296.3** 263.8** 268.2** 265.3** 274.5**
By Region Japan: 17 sites 204.7 180.7 190.4 191.1 191.6
America: 2 sites 57.8 51.8 51.0 50.1 50.8
Asia (excluding Japan): 5 sites 33.8 31.3 26.8 24.1 24.1
Europe: 1 site 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.1
Total indirect (scope 2) GHG emissions Location based Japan: 17 sites
America: 2 sites
Asia (excluding Japan): 5 sites
Europe: 1 site

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294.6** 271.6** 284.4** 253.6** 280.5**
Market based 105.8**
By Region Location based Japan: 17 sites 70.4 57.1 65.0 50.7 65.9
America: 2 sites 91.2 86.8 94.2 85.1 79.9
Asia (excluding Japan): 5 sites 133.0 127.7 125.2 117.9 108.9
Europe: 1 site 25.8
Market Based Japan: 17 sites 7.0
America: 2 sites 3.1
Asia (excluding Japan): 5 sites 95.7
Europe: 1 site 0.0
Total other indirect (scope 3) GHG emissions Japan: 17 sites
America: 2 sites
Asia (excluding Japan): 5 sites
Europe: 1 site

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13,626.4 12,059.8 12,932.2 13,019.8 16,388.7

**Third-party verified data

*Note: GHG used for calculation is CO₂

*Period From January to December of that year

*Calculation method

Compliant with the following laws, regulations, and standards:
Before FY2022: Calculated based on JATMA Calculation Guidelines Ver. 3.0.1 and Japan’s Ministry of the Environment’s Emission Intensity Database for Calculating Greenhouse Gas Emissions of an Organization through its Supply Chain.
FY2023: Calculated based on Japan’s Ministry of the Environment's Basic Guidelines for Calculating Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Supply Chains Ver. 2.6. Emission factors provided in the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology’s IDEA v2.3, Japan’s Ministry of the Environment’s Emission Intensity Database for Calculating Greenhouse Gas Emissions of an Organization through its Supply Chain Ver 3.3, the JATMA Tyre LCCO₂ Calculation Guidelines Ver 3.0.1, etc. are used.

GHG emissions intensity

(Thousand t-CO₂e)

Item Scope of data 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
GHG emissions intensity (t-CO₂/million yen) Japan: 17 sites
America: 2 sites
Asia (excluding Japan): 5 sites
Europe: 1 site

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1.59 1.57 1.40 1.04 0.69

Note: Emissions intensity is total volume from Scopes 1 & 2 divided by total sales.
Period From January to December of that year
Calculation method
Net sales are consolidated figures.

Contributing to the circular economy

Main raw materials

Item Scope of data 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Unit
Total raw materials (purchased by plants) Our Group 517 444 524 534 549 Thousand t
Percentage of sustainable materials Our Group 25 25 26 26 26

*Period From January to December of that year
*Calculation method
Purchased by plants

Number of retread tires produced (Toyo Tires brand)


Item Scope of data 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Production volume Retread tire factories of companies affiliated with the Group according to the equity method (in Japan) 130.0 126.1 128.7 124.7 109.8

*Period From January to December of that year
*Calculation method
Actual production values

Conserving water environments

Development of water management plan (FY2023)

Item Scope of data Number of major locations Number of sites with management plans Development rate
Development of water management plan Our Group 23 16 69.6%

Water withdrawals

(Thousand kL)

Item Scope of data 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total water withdrawals across all regions Japan: 15 sites
America: 2 sites
Asia (excluding Japan): 5 sites
Europe: 1 site

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3,737.3** 3,399.9** 3,362.8** 3,186.5** 3,247.6**
By source Surface water (mountain water) 0.0 19.5** 17.2** 11.8** 35.8**
Groundwater 2,726.8** 2,511.6** 2,518.8** 2,376.4** 2,322.9**
Third-party water (municipal or other public and private water supply facilities) 1,010.5** 868.7** 826.8** 798.2** 888.9**
Total water withdrawals in water-stressed areas 87.2 77.2 87.0 71.6 80.2
By source Surface water (mountain water) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Groundwater 86.1 76.1 86.1 70.8 79.5
Third-party water (municipal or other public and private water supply facilities) 1.10 1.11 0.92 0.82 0.71

**Third-party verified data
*All our water withdrawal is fresh water (water with the total dissolved solids of 1,000 mg/L or less).
*Period From January to December of that year
*Calculation method
Measured value. Water stress assessment is based on Aqueduct water risk data (World Resources Institute) from the end of April 2023.

Water discharges

(Thousand kL)

Item Scope of data 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total water discharges across all regions Japan: 15 sites
America: 2 sites
Asia (excluding Japan): 5 sites
Europe: 1 site

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2,194.8** 2,022.2** 2,014.9** 2,104.4** 1,908.1**
By destination Surface water (public water) 1,525.0** 1,475.3** 1,487.4** 1,701.5** 1,470.4**
Third-party water (municipal wastewater treatment facilities) 669.7** 546.9** 527.5** 402.9** 437.7**
Groundwater 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Sea water 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Total discharges in water-stressed areas
(third-party water)
86.9 77.0 86.8 71.5 80.1

**Third-party verified data
*All our water withdrawal is fresh water (water with the total dissolved solids of 1,000 mg/L or less).
*Period From January to December of that year

Managing water discharge impacts at our manufacturing sites

Site Water discharge destinations Water quality management items 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Sendai Plant Public water areas (Gokenbori River) or third-party water (municipal wastewater treatment facilities) BOD 1.88 2.11 1.66 1.46 1.33
COD 5.70 5.14 6.03 5.53 6.16
Kuwana Plant Public water areas (Sakoji River) or third-party water (municipal wastewater treatment facilities) BOD 0.46 0.33 0.39 0.46 0.38
COD 0.81 0.81 0.77 0.89 0.82

*All our water withdrawal is fresh water (water with the total dissolved solids of 1,000 mg/L or less).
*Period From January to December of that year
Please see the site report here.

Water consumption

(Thousand kL)

Item Scope of data 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total water consumption across all regions Japan: 15 sites
Americas: 2 sites
Asia (excluding Japan): 5 sites
Europe: 1 site

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1,542.6 1,377.6 1,347.9 1,082.1 1,339.4
Total water consumption in water-stressed areas 0.22 0.22 0.18 0.16 0.14

*Period From January to December of that year
*Calculation method
Water stress assessment is based on Aqueduct water risk data (World Resources Institute) from the end of April 2023.

Regulatory Violations


Item Scope of data 2023
Violation of water quality, water intake and discharge regulations Our Group None

Waste Management

(Thousand t)

Item Scope of data 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total weight of non-hazardous waste Japan: 16 sites
Americas: 2 sites
Asia (excluding Japan): 5 sites
Europe: 1 site

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31.0 25.7 28.6 26.8 37.5
Volume of recycled non-hazardous waste 12.2 22.7 25.5 24.2 34.8
Volume of reused non-hazardous waste 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

★Determination of disposal method
Non-hazardous waste (general waste, industrial waste): Based on information provided by waste disposal contractors
*Period From January to December of that year
*Only 16 business sites in Japan were included in the scope of the total volume of non-hazardous waste recycled.
*Calculation conditions and basis
Actual measurements and some estimates are included.

Hazardous waste (Waste requiring special management) Total weight

(Thousand t)

Item Scope of data 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Hazardous waste (Waste requiring special management) Total weight (t) Japan: 16 sites

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114.4 124.5 127.0 115.9 122.0

*Period From January to December of that year
*Calculation method
Includes actual measurements and some estimated values.

Chemical Substance Management

Volume of PRTR substances handled, discharged, and moved


Item Scope of data 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Handling volume Japan: 6 sites

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2,977.5 2,592.3 3,011.0 3,098.3 2,067.6
Emissions 164.7 117.1 105.0 130.7 229.2
Movement volume 88.3 77.9 91.3 93.2 74.5

*Period From April of that year to March of the next year
*Calculation method
Total values of “class 1 chemical substances” — substances of which at least 1 ton is used annually at each production facility — and “designated class 1 chemical substances” — substances of which at least 0.5 ton is used annually at each production facility.

Emissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODS)

(kg CFH-11 conversion value)

Item Scope of data 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
ODS emissions (kg, CFH-11 equivalent) Japan: 10 sites

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0.06 0.35 0.58 0.04 0.00

★Substance used in the calculation: Hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC)
*Period From April of that year to March of the next year
*Calculation method
In accordance with the Freon Calculated Leak Volume Reporting Manual (Japan’s Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry; 2021)

Nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx) and other significant atmospheric emissions


Item Scope of data 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
NOx emissions Japan: 3 sites
Asia (excluding Japan): 1 site

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183.1 141.8 154.0 142.1 139.7
SOx emissions 3.71 2.16 2.67 2.08 1.81
VOC emissions Japan: 4 sites

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573.4 560.0 538.8 543.3 533.3

NOx, SOx: From January to December of that year
VOC: From April of that year to March of the next year
*Calculation method
Measured values. VOC is the total for substances of which at least 1 ton is used annually at each site

Social data


Main capital for R&D and capital investment

(Million yen)

Item Scope of data 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
R&D expenses Our Group 11,092 10,437 11,159 11,320 12,729
Basic research expenses 1,265 1,145 1,455 1,347 1,610
Expenses related to environmental conservation during R&D activities 314 315 281 386 443
Capital investment in rationalization, improving quality and enhancing production facilities 42,633 26,967 37,766 47,303 26,342

Developing talent

Training hours and participants in development of talent with production expertise

(Hours (persons))

Item Eligibility Scope of data 2023
Level-specific training New recruit training New recruit training Our Group 93 (27)
Follow-up training Second-year employees with university degree or higher 8 (27)
Instructor training Instructors 7.5 (24)
Training for senior-level administrative staff New senior-level administrative staff 11 (29)
New assistant manager training New assistant managers 16 (43)
New manager training New managers 16 (36)
New general manager training New general managers 17.5 (6)
New section leader / assistant supervisor training New section leaders / assistant supervisors / assistant managers 14 (34)
Evaluator training Primary evaluators and above 4.5 (59)
Selective training Selective training I Selected employees 40 (5)
Selective training II Selected employees 48 (5)
Pre-assignment training Employees being assigned overseas 3.5 (5)
Pre-assignment training


Employees being assigned overseas 6 (3)
Language training Employees being assigned overseas 48.6 (9)
Diversity training Women’s empowerment training Female employees / evaluator and higher level male employees 2 (167)
Unconscious bias training General managers and above, section manager level 1.5 (193)
Self-development program


All employees 14.8 (742)

*Period From January to December of that year

Employee opinion survey


Item Scope of data First (2021) Second (2023)
Response rate Our Company 94 95

*Starting in 2021, the survey will be conducted once every two years in principle.


New hires at Toyo Tire Corporation (full-time employees including mid-career hires)

Item Scope of data 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Unit
Total Our Company 167 131 88 167 164 Persons
By age Under 30 68.9 87.0 78.0 58.1 67.1 %
30-50 28.1 12.2 22.0 33.5 32.3 %
Over 50 3.0 0.8 0.0 8.4 0.6 %
By gender*1 Male 85.6 91.6 93.0 90.4 86.6 %
Female 14.4 8.4 7.0 9.6 13.4 %

*Data by gender: Refers to data on sex assigned at birth. It is difficult to obtain quantitative data on gender identity and we do not have it, but aim to create workplaces where all employees can take an equal active part.

Employment rate of people with disabilities (as of June 1st of each year)


Item Scope of data 2021 2022 2023
Employment rate of people with disabilities Our Company 2.49 2.60 2.51

Employee diversity at Toyo Tire Corporation (full-time employees)

Item Scope of data 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Unit
Total Our Company 3,595 3,725 3,691 3,674 3,672 Persons
By age Under 30 22.4 21.3 19.5 18.4 18.0 %
30-50 61.3 60.5 57.4 60.6 60.7 %
Over 50 16.2 18.2 23.1 21.0 21.3 %
By gender Male 93.4 93.3 93.3 93.1 92.8 %
Female 6.6 6.7 6.7 6.9 7.2 %
People with disabilities 16 34 82 82 64 Persons
Non-Japanese 21 21 19 14 14 Persons
Total management personnel 819 835 851 859 867 Persons
Management by gender Male 95.2 95.0 94.4 94.3 93.8 %
Female 4.8 5.0 5.6 5.7 6.2 %
Non-Japanese management 0.6 0.7 1.1 0.7 0.6 %
Employee turnover rate 3.3 3.7 %

*Data by gender: Refers to data on sex assigned at birth. It is difficult to obtain quantitative data on gender identity and we do not have it, but aim to create workplaces where all employees can take an equal active part.
*Data on non-Japanese employees: Refers to data on foreign nationals as defined in the Nationality Act of Japan.

Number of Employees

Item Scope of data 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Unit
Overseas Our Group 7,023 5,455 5,705 6,052 5,661 Persons
domestic 6,109 5,971 5,819 5,692 5,606 Persons
total 13,132 12,426 11,524 11,744 11,267 Persons

Female employee ratio/Ratio of female managers

Item Scope of data 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Unit
Female employee ratio Our Company 6.6 6.7 6.7 6.9 7.2 %
Ratio of female managers 4.8 5.0 5.6 5.7 6.2 %

Total number of full-time employees by employment contract (permanent and temporary), by gender.


Item Scope of data Male Female Others* Total
Number of employees Our Group 9,557 1,710 0 11,267
Number of employees under lifetime employment 8,853 1,542 0 10,395
Number of fixed-term employees 704 168 0 872
Number of employees without guaranteed working hours 0 0 0 0
Number of full-time employees 9,382 1,641 0 11,023
Number of part-time employees 175 69 0 244

*Period From January to December of that year
Other: Gender specified by the employee

Total number of full-time employees by employment contract (permanent and temporary), by region. 


Item Scope of data Japan America Europe Asia/ Oceania Total
Number of employees Our Group 5,606 2,006 756 2,899 11,267
Number of employees under lifetime employment 4,865 2,003 661 2,866 10,395
Number of fixed-term employees 741 3 95 33 872
Number of employees without guaranteed working hours 0 0 0 0 0
Number of full-time employees 5,493 2,003 661 2,866 11,023
Number of part-time employees 113 3 95 33 244

*Period From January to December of that year

Workers other than employees Dispatched/accepted employees

Item Scope of data 2023
Most common contract relationship Our Group contract
Number of workers other than employees 551 Persons

*Period From January to December of that year
*A non-employee worker is someone who performs work for our company but is not in an employment relationship with our company.

Composition of the highest governance body (Board of Directors)


Item Scope of data 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Inside Male Our Company 6 6 6 6 4
Female 0 0 0 0 0
Total 6 6 6 6 4
Outside Male 2 3 3 3 3
Female 0 0 0 0 1
Total 2 3 3 3 4

*All full-time employees except executives are subject to Collective bargaining agreements.
*A significant portion of the organization’s activities are performed by workers.

Average age

(Years Old)

Item Scope of data 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Average age Our Company 38.7 39.2 39.8 40.3 40.5

Salary/Starting salary

Item Scope of data 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Unit
Average annual salary Our Company 6,028 5,849 6,198 6,330 6,427 Thousand yen
Starting salary of Master's degree 231 234 234 234 236 Thousand yen/Month
Starting salary of Bachelor degree 218 220 223 223 225 Thousand yen/Month
Starting salary of High school graduates 190 190 190 190 193 Thousand yen/Month

*We offer equal pay to Male and Female

Usage status of Childcare Support System (Including part-time employees and employees turnover at the end of 2021)


Item Scope of data 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Parental Leave Male Our Company 22 10 19 53 51
Female 4 10 14 16 12
Total 26 20 33 69 63
Short-Time Work for Child-care Male 0 1 2 3 1
Female 13 12 17 21 25
Total 14 13 19 24 26

*Part-Time Employees: Part Timer Employee and Temporary Contract Employee *Except Temporary staff
*People who have worked reduced hours in 2022 (including those who have continued to do so from the previous year or earlier)
*Gender-specific data: Refers to data for each biological sex. We do not have quantitative data specific to individual social sexes due to the difficulty in determining them. Our goal is to provide a workplace environment where all the employees are given equal opportunities.

Usage status of Nursing Care Support System


Item Scope of data 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Nursing Care Leave Male Our Company 0 1 1 1 3
Female 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 1 1 1 3
Short-Time Work for Nursing Care Male 0 0 0 0 0
Female 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0

*People who have worked reduced hours in 2022

Acquisition Rate of Parental Leave (Including part-time employees but non-including employees turnover at the end of 2022)


Item Scope of data 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Male Our Company 18.0 7.9 14.1 47.0 50.5
Female 100 100 100 100 100

*Part-Time Employees: Part Timer Employee and Temporary Contract Employee *Except Temporary staff

Gender wage difference


Item Scope of data 2023
Average annual wage for women/average annual wage for men Our Company 66.8

Labor practices

Union membership

Item Scope of data As of the end of October 2023
Number of members Our Company 3,290 persons
Membership rate 87.9%

*455 officers and managers

Supply chain management

Whistle-blowing system that can also be used by suppliers


Item Scope of data 2023
Number of reports from suppliers Business Partner None


Quality management system status


Item 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
ISO 9001 certification Production facilities 16 16 14 14 13
Sales bases 4 4 4 4 2
IATF 16949 (formerly ISO/TS 16949) certification Production facilities 10 9 9 9 9

*The Kuwana Plant has independently acquired certification at two sites: its tire production plant and automobile parts plant.

Occupational health and safety

Occupational health and safety management system certification


Item 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Region
OSHMS 4 4 4 4 3 Japan
JISHA Good Safety Company 4 4 4 4 5 Japan
ISO 45001 2 2 2 2 4 Malaysia, China, Taiwan, Serbia
China Work Safety Standardization certification 3 3 3 4 4 China

Main resources for promoting activities

Item Scope of data 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Unit
Qualified safety assessors* Japan site 241 290 359 359 413 persons
Safety education and training facilities Japan site 7 7 7 7 6 sites
Fire prevention inspectors Japan site 138 239 324 442 626 persons
Health managers Japan site 27 23 22 21 21 persons
Industrial physicians Japan site 14 14 14 15 15 persons

*Employees possessing the knowledge and skills needed to evaluate machinery safety, and the overall ability to judge suitability.

Lost-time accident frequency rate at manufacturing bases (number of lost-time accidents per million hours worked)

Item Scope of data 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Lost-time accident frequency rate at manufacturing bases (number of lost-time accidents per million hours worked) Japan 6 sites
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0.16 0.14 0.17 0.27 0.09
Outside Japan Americas: 1 site
Asia (excluding Japan): 5 sites
Europe: 1site
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1.82 1.69 0.00 0.43 0.10

*Note: Rubber product manufacturing industry average in Japan is 0.58【2023】
*Period From January to December of that year
*Calculation method
For bases in Japan, calculated based on the number of work-related accidents resulting in at least one day off from work or physical disability with lost body part or function.
Outside Japan, calculated based on the number of reported cases according to statutory standards in each country.

Promoting health management

Mental health measures


Mental health measures Scope of data 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Unit
Employee absence rate* Our Group as a whole in Japan 0.74 0.72 0.78 0.68 0.87 %
Stress check Data collected from employees according to the health management survey 88.2 93.6 96.9 96.6 95.8 %
High stress rate engineering and administrative staff Toyo Tire Corporation employees 7.8 8.9 9.1 9.0 8.7 %
production staff Toyo Tire Corporation employees 15.2 14.9 16.7 19.5 19.7 %

*Calculated by dividing the number of days of leave by the total number of scheduled working days.

Smoking measures


Item Scope of data 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Unit
Smoking rate Data collected from employees and those aged 40 and over according to the health management survey 40.8 41.5 40.6 38.8 38.1 %

Lifestyle-related disease measures


Item Scope of data 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Unit
Proper weight maintenance rate Data collected from employees and those aged 40 and over according to the health management survey 64.0 62.6 64.6 64.1 65.9 %



Item Scope of data 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Unit
Health checkup participation rate Data collected from employees and those aged 40 and over according to the health management survey 100.0 100.0 99.7 100.0 100.0 %
Thorough examinations participation rate Toyo Tire Corporation employees 97.1 90.3 85.3 73.2 78.7 %
Percentage of regular exercisers Data collected from employees and those aged 40 and over according to the health management survey 20.8 23.2 24.9 24.6 26.3 %
Percentage of individuals who get enough sleep Data collected from employees and those aged 40 and over according to the health management survey 57.9 58.8 55.7 55.5 53.6 %
Percentage of habitual drinkers Data collected from employees and those aged 40 and over according to the health management survey 16.2 15.0 14.5 11.2 9.0 %
Presenteeism*1 Toyo Tire Corporation employees 80.3 79.8 %
Work engagement*2 Toyo Tire Corporation employees 7.7 7.0 7.0 6.8 7.0 Points
Mental health education participation rate Toyo Tire Corporation employees 53.6 50.7 49.1 %
Women's health issue education participation rate Toyo Tire Corporation employees 48.1 %
Overtime hours Toyo Tire Corporation employees 37.0 21.0 31.0 31.0 33.0 Hours
Annual leave utilization rate Toyo Tire Corporation employees 62.4 57.9 54.2 62.7 64.8 %
Average age Toyo Tire Corporation employees 38.7 39.2 39.8 40.3 40.5 Age
Average length of service Toyo Tire Corporation employees 13.0 14.3 14.9 15.1 15.1 Years
Health awareness (exercise)*3 Toyo Tire Corporation employees 12.1 11.8 11.9 11.8 11.8 Points
Health awareness (diet)*3 Toyo Tire Corporation employees 10.1 11.5 11.4 11.4 10.2 Points
Health awareness (sleep/rest)*3 Toyo Tire Corporation employees 9.8 9.6 9.5 9.6 9.7 Points

*1 Evaluated the work performance that can be performed when there is no illness or injury as 100%
*2 Evaluated using three questions related to "work awareness" in stress check (full score: 12 points)
(distributed from 3 to 12 points, with a higher number indicating a better result)
*3 Evaluated using four questions regarding "health level of daily life" in stress check
(distributed from 4 to 16 points, with a lower number indicating a better result)
Scores *1 to *3 were calculated from the stress check results (In FY2023, 4,250 people took the stress check with the response rate of 95.8%).

Disaster prevention drills (2023)


Item Scope of data site Persons
Disaster prevention drills Japan 18 4,556
America 1 239
Asia (excluding Japan) and Oceania 4 1,162

*Period From January to December of that year
*Calculation method

Violation cases


Item Scope of data 2023
Cases of labor standards violations Our Group None

Local Community

Main resources for promoting activities

(Thousand yen)

Item Scope of data 2023
Funding for environmental conservation activities includes donations from employees to the Toyo Tire Group Environmental Protection Fund.* Japan only Approx. 30,000
Funding for developing the next generation Our Company Approx. 6,000
Funding for community development Our Company Approx. 39,000

The Toyo Tire Group Environmental Protection Fund

Toyo Tire Group Environmental Protection Fund: A fund established in 1992 to support non-profit organizations that undertake activities to protect the environment in partnership with Toyo Tire Corporation, domestic affiliated companies that Toyo Tire Corporation, has at least a 50% stake in, and corporate officers and employee of those companies, etc. Gift matching system under which the company contributes the same amount of money donated by employees.

Governance data

Corporate governance

Corporate governance system

Name No. of meetings annually Chair Role/duties
General Meeting of Shareholders 1 President Highest decision-making body of a corporation
Audit & Supervisory Board 15 Standing Audit & Supervisory Board member Audits the execution of business by the Board of Directors and Directors
Board of Directors 17 Chairman of the Board Makes decisions on important matters and supervises the execution of business by Directors
Nomination and Remuneration Committee 2 President Advisory body to the Board of Directors
Deliberates on matters related to the appointment and compensation for Directors, and provides advice, recommendations, and reports to the Board of Directors
Executive Committee 24 President Deliberates and makes decision on important matters as an executive decision-making body
Sustainability Committee 4 President Deliberates policies and strategies to strengthen and promote sustainability management and address key sustainability issues at Toyo Tire Corporation and Group companies
Compliance Committee 4 Chief Compliance Officer Deliberates and investigates ways to promote, enhance and strengthen compliance at Toyo Tire Corporation and Group companies
Crisis Management Committee 4 Vice president in charge of crisis management Deliberates agenda items concerning planning and management of measures against crises, and continuously conducts risk management
Organization & Personnel Committee 4 President Deliberates key issues related to the organization and human resources
Technical Committee 12 Vice President of R&D Headquarters Deliberates important issues related to the strengthening of our core competence technologies (platform technology and leading technology), to realize the Group’s management vision and medium-term business plans, as well as important issues relating to technology in general
Quality Assurance Committee 4 Vice President of Quality Assurance, Environment and Safety Headquarters Establishes basic policies and measures to promote and operate a unified quality assurance system across Toyo Tire Corporation and Group companies; deliberates responses to serious quality issues and implements policies, plans and other measures in departments responsible for quality assurance and other relevant divisions
Investment & Credit Committee 27 General Manager of the Corporate Administration Division Deliberates investments by and financing of Toyo Tire Corporation and Group companies

Total executive compensation

(Million yen)

Item 2023 Upper limit
Directors (10) 264 450
Audit & Supervisory Board members (6) 65 80

Note: The number of officers and total remuneration above includes remuneration of 69 million yen for eight outside officers (outside directors and outside auditors). It also includes remuneration for two directors and one outside auditor who retired in 2023.
Note: The above total amount of compensation includes the provision of bonuses for officers recorded in 2023 of 85 million yen.
*Note: Includes 10 million yen for transfer-restricted shares granted.

Attendance at Board of Directors Meetings in Fiscal Year 2023

Position Name Attendance at Board of Directors Meetings
Representative Director, President & CEO Takashi Shimizu 17 times/17 times (100%)
Director, Chairman of the Board Yasuhiro Yamada 17 times/17 times (100%)
Director, Corporate Officer Tatsuo Mitsuhata 17 times/17 times (100%)
Director, Corporate Officer Satoru Moriya 17 times/17 times (100%)
Outside Director Ken Morita 17 times/17 times (100%)
Outside Director Atsushi Takeda 17 times/17 times (100%)
Outside Director Michio Yoneda 17 times/17 times (100%)
Outside Director Yukiko Araki 13 times/13 times (100%)
Standing Audit & Supervisory Board Member Satoshi Taketsugu 17 times/17 times (100%)
Standing Audit & Supervisory Board Member Mitsunobu Kohno 13 times/13 times (100%)
Audit & Supervisory Board Member (Outside) Shosuke Amano 17 times/17 times (100%)
Audit & Supervisory Board Member (Outside) Tomoyuki Matsuba 17 times/17 times (100%)
Audit & Supervisory Board Member (Outside) Yasuhiro Kitao 13 times/13 times (100%)

Attendance at the Nomination and Remuneration Committee for FY2023

Position Name Attendance at the Nomination and Remuneration Committee
Representative Director, President & CEO Takashi Shimizu 2 times/2 times (100%)
Director, Chairman of the Board Yasuhiro Yamada 2 times/2 times (100%)
Outside Director Ken Morita 2 times/2 times (100%)
Outside Director Atsushi Takeda 2 times/2 times (100%)
Outside Director Michio Yoneda 2 times/2 times (100%)
Outside Director Yukiko Araki 2 times/2 times (100%)

Attendance at the Audit & Supervisory Board Meetings for FY2023

Position Name Attendance at the Audit & Supervisory Board Meetings
Standing Audit & Supervisory Board Member Satoshi Taketsugu 15 times/15 times (100%)
Standing Audit & Supervisory Board Member Mitsunobu Kohno 10 times/10 times (100%)
Audit & Supervisory Board Member (Outside) Shosuke Amano 15 times/15 times (100%)
Audit & Supervisory Board Member (Outside) Tomoyuki Matsuba 15 times/15 times (100%)
Audit & Supervisory Board Member (Outside) Yasuhiro Kitao 10 times/10 times (100%)
Standing Audit & Supervisory Board Member (Outside) Masao Yano 5 times/5 times (100%)


Compliance violations


Item Scope of data 2023
Criminal accusations of corruption in any incidents related to compliance Our Group None

Legal compliance in the environmental and socioeconomic fields


Item Scope of data 2023
Sanctions imposed on the Group for environmental or socioeconomic violations Our Group 1 *1

*At a production base outside of Japan, defective vulcanization odor treatment equipment caused hazardous substances to leak into the air, resulting in a violation of local environmental legislation (pollutants must be normalized before discharge) in May 2023.
Along with repairing equipment, we have taken measures to prevent recurrence, such as training employees and reviewing daily and weekly equipment inspections.
The concentration of hazardous substances was within standards, and no issues arose for those living in the local community.

Violations relating to the health and safety impact of products and services


Item Scope of data 2023
Violations relating to the health and safety impact of products and services Our Group None

Political donations


Item Scope of data 2023
Political donations Our Company None

Boundary list

Total energy consumption

Japan: 17 sites Toyo Tire Corporation (Headquarters, Sendai Plant, Kuwana Plant , Hyogo Manufacturing Complex, Tire Technical Center, Automotive Parts Technical Center,Corporate Technology Center, Miyazaki Tire Proving Ground, Saroma Tire Proving Ground, Tokyo Office, Hiroshima Office, Kanto Distribution Center, Kansai Distribution Center); Fukushima Rubber Co., Ltd.; Ayabe Toyo Rubber Co., Ltd.; Orient Machinery Co., Ltd.; Toyo Tire Japan Co., Ltd.;

America: 2 sites Toyo Automotive Parts (USA), Inc.; Toyo Tire North America Manufacturing Inc.;

Asia (excluding Japan): 5 sites Toyo Automotive Parts (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd.; Toyo Tire (Zhangjiagang) Co., Ltd.; Toyo Tire (Zhucheng) Co., Ltd.; Toyo Tyre Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.; Toyo Rubber Chemical Products (Thailand) Limited;

Europe: 1 site Toyo Tire Serbia D.O.O.

Water withdrawals

Japan: 15 sites Toyo Tire Corporation (Headquarters, Sendai Plant, Kuwana Plant , Hyogo Manufacturing Complex, Tire Technical Center, Automotive Parts Technical Center,Corporate Technology Center, Miyazaki Tire Proving Ground, Saroma Tire Proving Ground, Kanto Distribution Center, Kansai Distribution Center); Fukushima Rubber Co., Ltd.; Ayabe Toyo Rubber Co., Ltd.; Orient Machinery Co., Ltd.; Toyo Tire Japan Co., Ltd.;

America: 2 sites Toyo Automotive Parts (USA), Inc.; Toyo Tire North America Manufacturing Inc.;

Asia (excluding Japan): 5 sites Toyo Automotive Parts (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd.; Toyo Tire (Zhangjiagang) Co., Ltd.; Toyo Tire (Zhucheng) Co., Ltd.; Toyo Tyre Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.; Toyo Rubber Chemical Products (Thailand) Limited;

Europe: 1 site Toyo Tire Serbia D.O.O.

Measured values and estimates from water withdrawals.

Measured values and estimates from water withdrawals.
Measured values: Toyo Tire Corporation ( Sendai Plant, Kuwana Plant , Tire Technical Center, Automotive Parts Technical Center),Toyo Tire North America Manufacturing Inc.,TOYO TIRE ZHANGJIAGANG CO., LTD.,TOYO TYRE MALAYSIA SDN BHD.TOYORUBBER CHEMICAL PRODUCTS (THAILAND) LIMITED,, TOYO TIRE SERBIA D.O.O.
Estimates from water withdrawals: All others not listed above


Total weight of non-hazardous waste,Volume of recycled non-hazardous waste,Volume of reused non-hazardous waste
Japan: 16 sites Toyo Tire Corporation (Headquarters, Sendai Plant, Kuwana Plant , Hyogo Manufacturing Complex, Tire Technical Center, Automotive Parts Technical Center,Corporate Technology Center, Miyazaki Tire Proving Ground, Tokyo Office, Hiroshima Office, Kanto Distribution Center, Kansai Distribution Center); Fukushima Rubber Co., Ltd.; Ayabe Toyo Rubber Co., Ltd.; Orient Machinery Co., Ltd.; Toyo Tire Japan Co., Ltd.;

America: 2 sites Toyo Automotive Parts (USA), Inc.; Toyo Tire North America Manufacturing Inc.;

Asia (excluding Japan): 5 sites Toyo Automotive Parts (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd.; Toyo Tire (Zhangjiagang) Co., Ltd.; Toyo Tire (Zhucheng) Co., Ltd.; Toyo Tyre Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.; Toyo Rubber Chemical Products (Thailand) Limited;

Europe: 1 site Toyo Tire Serbia D.O.O.

Hazardous waste (Waste requiring special management) Total weight

Hazardous waste
Japan: 16 sites Toyo Tire Corporation (Headquarters, Sendai Plant, Kuwana Plant , Hyogo Manufacturing Complex, Tire Technical Center, Automotive Parts Technical Center,Corporate Technology Center, Miyazaki Tire Proving Ground, Tokyo Office, Hiroshima Office, Kanto Distribution Center, Kansai Distribution Center); Fukushima Rubber Co., Ltd.; Ayabe Toyo Rubber Co., Ltd.; Orient Machinery Co., Ltd.; Toyo Tire Japan Co., Ltd.;
However, the measurements for Ayabe Toyo Rubber Co., Ltd. include waste volumes from neighboring business establishments of other companies (volumes for joint waste disposal).

Chemical Substance Management

Volume of PRTR substances handled, discharged, and moved
Japan: 5 sites Toyo Tire Corp. (Sendai Plant, Kuwana Plant, Hyogo Plant), Fukushima Rubber Co., Ltd.,,Ayabe Toyo Rubber Co., Ltd.

Emissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODS)

Japan: 10 sites Toyo Tire Corp. (Headquarters, Sendai Plant, Kuwana Plant, Hyogo Manufacturing Complex, Tire Technical Center, Automotive Parts Technical Center, Corporate Technology Center), Fukushima Rubber Co., Ltd., Ayabe Toyo Rubber Co., Ltd., Orient Machinery Co., Ltd.


Japan: 4 sites Toyo Tire Corp. (Sendai Plant, Kuwana Plant, Hyogo Manufacturing Complex), Fukushima Rubber Co., Ltd. Asia (excluding Japan): 1 site TOYO TIRE ZHANGJIAGANG CO., LTD.


Japan: 4 sites Toyo Tire Corp. (Sendai Plant, Kuwana Plant,), Fukushima Rubber Co., Ltd., Ayabe Toyo Rubber Co., Ltd.

Lost-time accident frequency rate at manufacturing bases

6 sites: Toyo Tire Corporation (Sendai Plant, Kuwana Plant, Hyogo Manufacturing Complex), Fukushima Rubber Co., Ltd., Ayabe Toyo Rubber Co., Ltd., Orient Machinery Co., Ltd.

Outside Japan

Europe: 1 site TOYO TIRE SERBIA D.O.O


Site report

Please see the site report here.

Answer to CDP

Please see here for the answer to CDP-Corporate Questionnaire.

Please see here for the answer to CDP-Climate Change.

Please see here for the answer to CDP-Water Security.

Please see here for the answer to CDP-Forests.