TOYO TIRE Sustainability

Sustainability Management Policy

Sustainability Policy

Strongly aware that every action in our business is linked to society and the future, we will seek to fulfill our purpose by solving social issues through our corporate activities and creating social value.

  1. Identity based on our corporate philosophy

    View all sustainability themes in connection with our philosophy and act in line with our corporate identity

  2. Medium-to long-term view

    Identify the company’s opportunities and important risks as medium- to long-term material issues and address them

  3. Contribution to a sustainable society

    Help solve social issues through our corporate activities based on our belief in social sustainability as a prerequisite for business growth

  4. Value creation cycle

    Establish a cycle of increasing product and service value and investing profits in sources of further value creation

  5. Stakeholder collaboration

    Collaborate with our supply chain, align with relevant organizations, and increase corporate value through dialogue

Activities for sustainability


Sustainability promotion system and cycle

In April 2021, we established the Sustainablity Committee — chaired by the President — under the jurisdiction of the Executive Committee, with the goal of strengthening and promoting our sustainability management. This committee deliberates and decides upon matters related to Group sustainability strategy and, following internal regulations, presents them to the Executive Committee for report to the Board of Directors. These decisions are then executed through each function in cooperation with other special committees, and progress is managed regularly. We have also formed cross-organizational task forces to investigate and promote specific targets and activity plans related to sustainability initiatives.

Sustainability promotion system and cycle

Our philosophy and sustainability


Company Philosophy

We will endeavor to continuously improve our products, and create value for everyone who we work with.

Our Mission

To create excitement and surprise with our products that exceed customer expectations and enriches society.

Our Vision

Our goal is to be a company that:

- Stays one step ahead of the future through constant technological innovation;
- Drives entrepreneurial and creative spirit through a progressive culture ; and
- Shares in the enjoyment felt by everyone involved in our activities.

Our Fundamental Values: “The TOYO WAY”

Fairness Be fair and selfless in one’s actions to benefit society.
Pride Take pride in one’s self, work and company, and to persevere.
Initiative Show initiative in all matters, and take ownership of one’s actions.
Appreciation Demonstrate sincere compassion and appreciation for people and society.
Solidarity Continuously advance creativity and innovation by working together to mobilize our corporate knowledge and capabilities.

Our Philosophy was published in 2017, replacing the old Philosophy statements we had up until then. This change was prompted by the issue of data fabrication that came to light in 2015 concerning the seismic isolation rubber business and anti-vibration rubber business. As the Company faced this existential crisis, the management team responded to the need to take another, serious look at our social mission and responsibility so that we can reemerge as a company that society needs and relies on, and decided, as the first step, to reform the company culture and realign the values shared by all officers and employees by reviewing and reconstructing our Philosophy.
When we launched the Medium-Term ’21 Plan, we made clear that our purpose as a company was to make our Philosophy a reality, and that the management plan was a means of achieving it.
When we started working on the shift toward sustainability management presented in the Medium-Term ’21 Plan, this shared understanding provided a basis for our discussions of policies to promote sustainability and of the material issues for the Company, enabling us to keep to the essence of the ideas contained in the Philosophy statements such as contributing to the enrichment of society through our business and serving and caring for our stakeholders. One of our key focuses was to ensure that the way we viewed and considered was always connected to the Philosophy so that we stayed true to our uniqueness, and through four months of these discussions, we identified our material issues. We strive to embody our Philosophy through the efforts to address these material issues.


Stakeholder Engagement

We consider the impact on the evaluation and decision-making of all stakeholders and examine the priority issues.
The significance of the Group in society is that we not only solve the issues requested by our stakeholders, but we also create surprise and new discoveries for society and contribute to enriching society. Through our opportunities for engagement with stakeholders, we strive to be accountable by communicating information accurately and clearly.
And we also check if we are providing business partners and customers with not only products and services, but also the excitement that exceeds their expectations through our various work.

List of stakeholder groups

Value chain Affected stakeholders
Directly Indirectly
Raw materials /Purchasing Business partners (supplier*1) Shareholders & Investors, creditors, local communities, NGOs, government, business organizations*2, global environment
R & D Employees, Co-researchers & Joint developers, Business Partners (Car Manufacturers)
Manufacturing Employees
Logistics Employees, Business Partners (Logistics)
Sale Employees, customers (car manufacturers, dealers)
Use /Waste recycling Customers
  • *1 Main supply chain elements: natural rubber farmers and wholesalers, synthetic rubber manufacturers, petrochemical product producers
  • *2 TOYO TIRE or one of our group companies belongs to the following trade associations;
  • Keidanren Japan Business Federation
  • Japan Automobile Tyre Manufacturers Association (JATMA)
  • The Japan Rubber Manufacturers Association (JRMA)
  • U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association (USTMA)
  • The Tire Industry Association (TIA) *US
  • European Tyre & Rubber Manufacturers Association(ETRMA)
  • The European Tyre and Rim Technical Organisation (ETRTO)
  • The Malaysian Automotive Tyre Manufacturers Industry Group (FMM MATMIG)
  • Thai Automobile Tyre Manufacturers Association (TATMA) *As an Extraordinary Corporate Member.
  • China Rubber Industry Association (CRIA)
  • The International Rubber Study Group (IRSG)
  • World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
  • The Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR)
  • Japan Philanthropic Association *As Supporting member
  • Global Compact Network Japan (GCNJ)

Engagement policy

Through Engagement

  • Responding to changes in the business environment and social needs will create delight and surprise in our stakeholders beyond their expectations.
  • We recognize the impact of our business on society and will share the rich blessings from the earth with our stakeholders into the future.
  • We will fulfill our responsibility to respect human rights through our business activities and aim for a society in which all stakeholders can play an active role with diverse values.
  • The entire supply chain will engage with diversifying social issues, as well as achieve sustainable procurement.
  • Through dialogue and collaboration with stakeholders, we aim to resolve social issues and develop local communities by making use of the Group’s resources.
  • As the responsibility of the company to all of its stakeholders, we will ensure safety and security in our business activities.
  • We recognize our responsibility toward our various stakeholders and will ensure transparency in management and will pursue fairness within the organization.

Engagement approach example

Customers Providing product information at consultation counters / sites, satisfaction surveys, tours / meetings, etc.
Business partners Supplier briefing sessions, questionnaires, consultation / reporting counters, information exchange by visiting, etc.
Employees Labor-management consultations, in-house newsletters, consultation / reporting counters, etc.
Local community Community contribution activities, business site tours, interviews and meetings with local governments and NGOs / NPOs
Shareholders, investors General meeting of shareholders, investor interviews / meetings, information provision on IR sites, tours, etc.

External initiatives

We subscribe or endorse to the following initiatives;

  • World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and Tire Industry Project (TIP)
  • International Rubber Study Group (IRSG)
  • Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR)
  • United Nation Global Compact (UNGC)
  • Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
  • Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)


With the understanding that achieving a sustainable society is a prerequisite for corporate growth, we have considered across the Group the role we need to play in helping achieve the United Nations SDGs and identified 14 goals that shape our vision for the Group in 2030. We have declared these the Toyo Tire SDGs.
The activities we undertake working towards these goals are an embodiment of Our Vision as set forth in our corporate philosophy, and will lead to achieving Our Mission.

The Underlying Logic of TOYO TIRE’s SDGs


TOYO TIREのSDGs Click to enlarge